Find Cars in Your ZIP Code

Become a Member

Sign up now and get instant access to the car data you need.
Access is only $100/Month + $0.10 per record downloaded.

Check out what our Search Results

Car Academy helps you locate the hard to find vehicles you have been looking for. Become a member to gain access to our database of knowledge and real contact info. Each result is $0.75 and requires an active membership. Your search results will be delivered via CSV(comma separated value) file. 

Car Academy helps you locate the hard to find vehicles you have been looking for. Become a member to gain access to our database of knowledge and real contact info. Each result is $0.10 and will be delivered via a CSV (comma separated value) file. 

What are you waiting for? Sign up now!


Most frequent questions and answers

Access to the search results requires an active monthly membership which is $100/month. Downloaded data costs $0.10 per record and is based on total results returned.

Once you search, you can review results and purchase the results. The results will be emailed to you via a CSV file.

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Become a Member of Today

Car Academy Membership

$100.00 / month

Membership to includes access to search the total number of cars by make, model & year, in the ZIP code of your choice. All records may be downloaded for $.10 per record, and exported as a .CSV file for easy use in your direct mail or SMS campaigns.

zip * 

Zip Code for subscription



Membership to includes access to search the total number of cars by make, model & year, in the ZIP code of your choice. All records may be downloaded for $.10 per record, and exported as a .CSV file for easy use in your direct mail or SMS campaigns.


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